8th Grade

3rd August

The 8th grade football teams took part in the Thames/Coromandel Football Festival at Moewai Park on Saturday. All teams played really well and the showcased their skills from their season so far. Congratulations to the Players of the day today: Rocco Sneddon & Harry Pointon.👏⚽️⭐

24th July

The MBFC 8th Grade played their game on Wednesday afternoon. Thankfully we managed to get through the games without getting too wet. Players of the day were Elias Phillips for putting in great effort for the whole game and Arlo Christini for continuously being involved in the game and playing great.

July 6

The MBFC 8th Grade played Whenuakite Saturday at the Sports Park and we were fortunate that the rain held off for our games. We had a fantastic turn out of friends and family to watch us play. 

Our players of the day were McKinley Hale for playing a great game, scoring two goals and getting really involved and Beauden Flynn for his fantastic playing and scoring a goal.

June 22

The MBFC 8th Grade played Tairua today at the Sports Park. The kids played great today and continue to improve every week. This week our players of the day were George Lawrence for his great playing and getting involved and Quinn Parker for his great sportsmanship and his amazing playing.

June 15

We travelled to Whangamata for the MBFC 8th Grade games on Saturday. As the season progresses a lot of players are continuing to improve making it very difficult to pick our players of the day. This week our players of the day were Sebastian Sarich-Dunn and Jasmine Jones who have both improved so much over the past few weeks. They both got very involved with the games and showed how their effort at trainings is paying off.

June 8

The MBFC 8th Grade travelled to Tairua for the U8 Football Festival on Saturday. We had a great turn out with other teams travelling from all over the Waikato area. Our teams played Te Aroha, Thames, Paeroa and Tairua. Our players of the day were Hunter McDonald, Liam Foulkes and Lawson Davies for their great playing and team effort.

May 25
The MBFC 8th Grade played against Te Rerenga on Saturday at the Sports Park. The kids had a great morning. Players of the day were Jack Fearnley for his amazing playing, great passing and defending and Cooper Wilson for his awesome playing and always getting involved.  

May 18
The MBFC 8th Grade played on Saturday and we were greeted with a beautiful sunny morning for our games. Players of the day were Wallace Roberts for his amazing effort and energy, he never gave up and Lars Brierley for his good playing and great sportsmanship, helping an opposition player up after he fell.

May 11 2024

The MBFC 8th Grade played Whenuakite on Saturday. We had a great turn out from both clubs with over 40 kids playing on this beautiful sunny morning. Players of the day were Amelia Jones for her amazing attitude and maximum effort for the whole morning and Mitchell Goble for his great teamwork and passing to his teammates.